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Friday, July 3, 2009

It is the Eve of the 4th of July

St. Louis 4th  of July Fireworks

Image by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton via Flickr

It is time to reflect on our freedom and the wonderful things we have here in the United States. However, we must be on constantly vigil because the fat cats who run corporate America are trying to take it away from us. They want to spy on us as we us the internet and not allow us to Play Poker or do anything that would take us away from betting at the horse tracks, going to NFL football games or, in Las Vegas Casinos or worst of all in a Sovereign Nation that reject their American heritage which happens every time we play in an Indian run Casino.

We need to pull together and see what is right, not the crap that GW Bush gave us for 8 years; war that was suppose to bring down Osama Bin laden but failed miserably another Viet Nam and lots of money for his oil buddies. We are in troubled times, but we can get out of them if we all pull together.

So have a nice 4th and think about how you can make a difference, your liberty and all we have built in America depends on it!